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Sunday, January 3, 2016


Hi everyone, today i'm gonna share to you about my illustration project which called shadowboxing. Fyi, now i'm study illustration at Carrot Academy which is located at Pulomas, East Jakarta. My school is really really far from my home, which is i have to spend one until one half an hour to get there.

Ok then, so i will tell u about what is shadowboxing project. Shadowboxing is a drawing technique which is u have to guess what kind of technique that the artist use to make their masterpiece. I made my shadowboxing project with reference study from Ilya Kuvshinov.

Btw, this project is still in progress hihihihi and i have to finish it as quickly as possible. During doing shadowboxing project, i got so many critic and compliment from my classmate. He said that i need to make it as soft as Ilya's work. 

Ok then, that's it for today. Today is my last holiday coz tomorrow i will be back into my normal routine, drawing hehehehe. I regret a little bit coz during holiday i'm not drawing a lot coz lot of procrastination and also a few event such as meditation workshop and my holiday trip to Puncak. Then i'm also busy to looking for university that i'm gonna entry, btw before study illustration i used to study at Kyungsung University in Busan, Korea took Korean Language and Literature as my major, but due to my health condition i can't finish my study in Korea so i need to look for the university here then i can continue my study at university until i get Bachelor Degree. 

See u on my next post fellas :)

Lots of love

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