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Monday, January 4, 2016


Hi everyone,how are you today? Great right? Yup, today everybody have already back to normal routine, including me. But the strange is it doesn't have a lot of traffic jam as usual, yeah maybe it's still holiday atmosphere hahahaha, and the things will back to normal again next week.


Today i'm gonna tell u about my school, Carrot Academy. Carrot Academy is an illustration school which is located at Pulomas, East Jakarta. It used to be located at Kelapa Gading, but it has been moved to Pulomas since November 2015. It has been established since 2008 and this school has a really high quality alumni who are turn out to be great valuable artist. The different thing is this school isn't just for professional artist, even beginner can learn here. In Carrot Academy, u will learn drawing from the very very basic coz drawing doesn't need talent, it just need passion and hardwork.

Although this school is small, i really enjoy study here coz i meet great friends, great staff, great mentors and i can do the things that i love :). Btw, this school has five programs and the programs are Illustration Essentials, Illustration Fundamental, Concept Art, Illustration Faculty and Diploma Course. Between these programs, i'm taking Diploma Course and this is a 1 year illustration program which is we already gotten all the course, Essential, Fundamental and Concept Art. 

Ok then, that's it for today. If u are interested about Carrot Academy's program, u can visit www.carrotacademy.com or just come to the office and the address was already on above :D. Happy Monday fellas :)

Lots of love

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