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Thursday, January 28, 2016


Hi fellas,i'm so excited coz it's more than two weeks to Chinese New Year and three weeks to Valentine's day woohoo. I'm sure that u guys are busy preparing for those two important days, buying new clothes, preparing food and lots of cake, etc. Last Saturday, my mom went to Pasar Sawah Besar to bought lots of dried cake for Chinese New Year such as Nastar (pineapple tart), cashew nut, Sagu Keju, and Flower Tart, but Nastar got the biggest portion between those dried cakes coz my family like Nastar so much, especially my mom,dad and my older brother. So today i'm gonna review about cleansing foam from Nature Republic, it is Nature Republic Bee Venom Cleansing Foam.

Product name: Nature Republic Bee Venom Cleansing Foam
Origin: South Korea
Type of product: Cleansing foam
Price: W 10000

Nature Republic Bee Venom Cleansing Foam is a cleansing foam which made from bee venom, bee venom is a colourless liquid from bee hive. This cleansing foam is good for acne skin and u don't need to worry about the ingredients coz it's made from natural ingredients.

The foam is creamy and smooth, and when u apply it on ur face it turn out to be like this (based on my experience).

I really love this product coz it's really match for my skin, fyi my skin is oily and has an acne and when i use this cleansing foam my acne dissappeared yeayyy. So, i decided to keep using this product. But, unfortuneatly this is my last stock of this cleansing foam so i will ask my former university friend to buy it in Korea later. 

Yup, that's it for today. See u on my next post fellas :)

Lots of love

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Hi fellas, today i'm gonna review about eyeliner which bought at Pondok Indah Mall almost two weeks ago, it is Maybelline Hypersharp Wing Liner. So after had a meet up with my former university friends at Grand Indonesia, i went to Pondok Indah Mall to buy eyeliner coz my eyeliner had already blunt, so me with my mom bought eyeliner together hehehe.

Product name: Maybelline Hypersharp Wing Liner
Origin: US
Type: Brush Eyeliner
Price: Rp 100.900

Maybelline Hypersharp Wing Liner is a brush eyeliner which brought by Maybelline and this eyeliner is waterproof and smudge proof formula which is lasts a full of 24 hours.

The color is not as dark as cream pencil eyeliner, so if u wanna make it thicker u should apply it multiple times.

I love this product coz i can try another eyeliner beside pencil eyeliner. To be honest, i'm always use pencil eyeliner coz pencil eyeliner is match product for me who's still beginner about make-up :D and when i tried brush eyeliner,i'm so excited. And i think this brush eyeliner is a good product and u can use it when u hangout with ur friends, lover or family and when u have a formal event u can use it too, so one product with two benefits :D 

That's it for today, hope that this review will useful for u fellas :) See u 

Lots of love

Friday, January 22, 2016


Hi fellas, it almost weekend again woohooo. Today i'm gonna review about comic strip that made by my senior and junior in Kyungsung University and the title is "Gula Comic". This morning my senior sent a Kakao Talk message to me then he asked me to review about Gula Comic in my blog and i accepted it :)

Gula Comic is a comic strip about a daily life from the witch hunter girl named Gula, well Gula is Indonesian word for sugar.

Gula's character profile

Gula Comic has two part of the story, The Sweet Moment and The Sweet Journey. The Sweet Moment tells about Gula's funny moment with her friend, Sacha and it uploaded every Saturday then The Sweet Journey tells about Gula's exciting journey with Sacha and Zee and it uploaded every Monday. 

This comic strip has a good story and artwork, and it also has a surprised ending that readers can't think about it, even me hehehe. Btw if u wanna know more about Gula Comic just follow their Facebook fanpage " Gula Comic" and Instagram account: @the.sweetstagram. 

Well that's it for today, hope u guys like this post and i also hope that my senior and junior like this post too :D. To be honest, i'm really happy coz i have a chance to promote this comic strip hehehe. See u fellas and happy weekend :)

Lots of love

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Hi fellas,today i'm back to school again after such a long holiday (not so long,just one week) and my VDD project just begin again. Fyi,VDD is acronym from Visual Database Development. It is a project in my school that we have to make at least one sketch everyday to build our habit in drawing,so drawing is like a daily food for me :D

Today i'm gonna post about my photos that took during my holiday trip in Korea last September 2015. All photos were taken at Busan.

Yup,that's it for today. Hope that this photos can give you a visualization about Busan and what kind of city Busan is. See u fellas :)

Lots of love

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Hi fellas,from last Thursday until today i just stayed at home coz my school had a holiday due to my mentor's wedding and something wrong in my school's building that have to fix it.

So today,i'm gonna post about my comic strip project. Fyi,i wanna be a comic strip comic artist after graduate from Carrot Academy and my mentor and my senior give me advice that i should make a comic strip from now.

This comic strip was based on my personal experience about my transformation before and after go to Korea. As i said before,i used to be an university student at Kyungsung University at Busan South Korea and before went to Korea i was really lazy to put make-up,wear trend clothes and so on,but after went to Korea i started to put make-up,wear trend clothes and take off my glasses and replace it with contact lenses. Everyone who sees me must be surprised coz they said that i look different :D

Yup, that's it for today. Maybe my work doesn't as good as the other comic artist but i will do my best!! See u fellas :)

Lots of love

Monday, January 18, 2016


Hi fellas, happy Monday!! Gimana weekendnya? Menyenangkan gak? Semoga weekend kalian menyenangkan yaa, ok kali ini aku bakal ngepost pake Bahasa Indonesia, biasanya kan aku selalu ngepost pake Bahasa Inggris, tapi hari ini aku mau buat sesuatu yang beda :D.

Hari ini aku akan ngepost tentang acara yang namanya Pemberkahan Akhir Tahun 2015 yang tujuannya untuk ngerayain 50 tahun Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi sekaligus ngerayain tahun baru. Apa itu Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi? Tzu Chi itu adalah sebuah organisasi kemanusiaan yang berlandaskan ajaran Buddha yg tujuannya untuk nebarin cinta kasih universal dengan orang-orang di sekitar kita, terutama orang yang membutuhkan. Tzu Chi sendiri didiriin tahun 1966 oleh seorang bhikuni yang bernama Master Cheng Yen yang menetap di Hualien, Taiwan. Nah, acaranya kemarin diselenggarain di Aula Jing Si Indonesia di Pantai Indah Kapuk alias PIK hehe. Buat kalian yg sering nongkrong di PIK pasti tau atau jangan2 ada yg gak tau lagi hehehe. Ok ini dia acaranya :D

Acara dibuka dengan pertunjukan tari-tarian yang bernama tarian "Reborn" yang dibawain sama anak-anak dari Sekolah Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi.

Setelah pertunjukan tarian selesai, dilanjutin dengan kata sambutan sebentar dan dilanjutin dengan pemutaran film dokumenter tentang sejarah pembentukan Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi.

Pemutaran film dokumenter selesai, dilanjutin dengan pertunjukan bahasa isyarat tangan yang dibawain oleh anak-anak dari Sekolah Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi

Acara berikutnya drama tentang sejarah pembentukan Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi di Indonesia. Awal cerita dari seorang relawan Tzu Chi Taiwan yang bernama Liang Cheung datang ke Indonesia nemenin suaminya dan akhirnya kenalan sama istri2 dari pengusaha Taiwan dan ketika beliau datang ke Indonesia beliau udah jadi relawan Tzu Chi dan ngajakin para istri2 jadi donatur Tzu Chi dan lama kelamaan mereka mikir" kenapa kita gak buka kegiatan sosial aja disini?" dari situ deh Yayasan Buddha Tzu Chi di Indonesia mulai kebentuk :)

Drama selesai dilanjutin lagi dengan pertunjukan bahasa isyarat tangan yang kedua dari anak-anak Sekolah Cinta Kasih Tzu Chi.

Setelah pertunjukan bahasa isyarat tangan selesai,acara kembali dilanjutin dengan jabat tangan dari orang-orang penting yang diundang dan persembahan nyanyian dari para komite. 

Acara ditutup dengan doa bersama, tapi sebelumnya semua tamu dikasih angpau yg isinya koin 50 tahun Tzu Chi dan biji-bijian, termasuk aku hehe. 

Dan setelah acara selesai, aku dan mamaku keluar ruangan dan di luar ruangan kita berdua dikasih box yang isinya kartu kata perenungan dari Master Cheng Yen. 

Yup postnya sekian dulu ya, semoga postku ini bisa sedikit ngasih gambaran ke kalian apa itu Tzu Chi dan berguna juga buat kalian yang mungkin masih belum tau banget soal Tzu Chi. Klo ada yang pengen tau lebih banyak soal Tzu Chi, kalian bisa kunjungin websitenya di https://www.tzuchi.or.id. atau bisa comment di comment section dibawah ini hehe. Ok then see u fellas!!

Lots of love