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Friday, February 26, 2016


Holla semuanya,maaf banget hari ini baru bs blogging krn ngumpulin bahan bwt dipost plus project ilustrasi di tempat lesku,tp 2 bulan kedepan project ilustrasinya gak akan sebanyak sekarang krn bulan April nanti aku udah masuk term 3 yg ibaratnya klo kuliah udah masuk semester akhir hehehehe.

Btw,hari ini aku mau sharing tentang event yang baru aja aku ikutin td siang,yaitu Shopee Beauty Soiree X Sasyachi. Jd,Shopee ini ngadain acara berupa Korean Make-Up Class bersama beauty blogger terkenal di Indonesia,yaitu kak Sasyachi. Kak Sasyachi sendiri terkenal banget dengan make upnya yang Korea banget dan sempet nyabet penghargaan Top Beauty Influencer Award di Influence Asia 2015. Acaranya mulai dr jam 1 sampe jam 4 di Lewis and Carroll Tea.

Acaranya sendiri berupa live demo make up dari kak Sasyachi sesuai dengan temanya yaitu Korean Make Up.

Setelah kak Sasyachi slese make up break sebentar,lalu dilanjutin dengan Make Up Competition dimana ada 6 org dan 3 org jd make up artist dan 3 orgnya lg jd objek make up hehehehe.

Make up competition slese dilanjutin dengan photo session bareng kak Sasyachi :D

Foto bareng slese dan sebelum pulang aku sempet selfie bareng kak Sasyachi dan foto rame2 lagi :D

Fun fact: sebelum selfie aku smpt ditanya begini sama kak Sasyachi "umur kamu berapa?" klo kalian denger umurku berapa pst gak akan percaya deh hihihihi.

Gimana seru kan? Yah walaupun cuman bs nontonin make up tp seenggaknya aku dapet ilmu baru dari sini,btw thanks for Shopee yang udah ngadain event ini dan kak Sasyachi yang udah nyempetin diri bwt dateng di sela2 kesibukan kakak :D

See u di post berikutnya yaa,happy weekend all :)

Lots of love

Friday, February 19, 2016


Hi fellas, I'm gonna review about salon that i just visit last Sunday. So, on February 14 which is Valentine's Day i went to this salon to blow dry my hair coz i had event that held in Karawaci, it was Valentine and Chinese New Year event that held by my meditation camp so i had to "tampil maksimal" on that day hihihihi.

Btw, the salon name is Johnny Andrean Salon. I'm sure that all of u know this salon, coz this salon is really famous and it's been established since 1978, then it has already had 144 branch in Indonesia and one of them at ITC Fatmawati. Unfortuneatly, i can't took a picture of the outside from Johnny Andrean Salon coz i'm needed to hurry up at that time so i don't had time to take a picture and i just took a picture of the inside.

It has a small space and simple interior design, but the atmosphere is relaxing and comfortable.

In my opinion, Johnny Andrean Salon is a great salon and has a good service, also friendly staff too :D If u wanna know more about Johnny Andrean Salon u can visit the website at johnnyandrean.com or directly come to this salon's branch that near from ur place.

That's it for today, see u and happy weekend fellas :)

Lots of love

Monday, February 15, 2016


Hi fellas,balik lagi dengan postan bahasa Indonesia. Sebelumnya,happy Valentine!! Buat kalian yang udah punya pasangan turut berbahagia karena kalian bisa merayakan Valentine berdua,buat yang jomblo tetap berbahagia ya,kalian bisa kok merayakan Valentine bareng keluarga atau temen2. Aku sendiri ngerayain Valentine di Karawaci bareng keluarga :) Btw,ini postan bahasa Indonesia yg kedua setelah event Tzu Chi wkt itu. Nah,hari ini aku mau sharing ke kalian tentang jenis eyeliner. Buat kalian yang udah familiar banget sama make-up,pasti taulah jenis-jenis eyeliner itu apa aja dan buat yang masih belum tau check it out :D

  • Pencil eyeliner: kalian pasti tau dun eyeliner yang ini,eyeliner ini bentuknya pensil dan mampu nyiptain garis yang tebal,serta gampang digunakan. Cocok buat pemula atau kalian yang lagi pengen pake eyeliner yang simple.

  • Liquid eyeliner: biasa disebut brush eyeliner. Eyeliner ini berbentuk brush jadinya teksturnya cair,beda dengan pencil eyeliner yang teksturnya padat. Cocok buat bikin cat eye dan kalian yang udah bosen pake pencil eyeliner dan pengen nyoba eyeliner yang berbeda. 

  • Gel eyeliner: eyeliner ini bentuknya gel dan buat ngeaplikasiinnya harus pake kuas khusus eyeliner. Cocok buat kalian pengguna make up tingkat advance dan pengen ningkatin skill menggambar mata kalian ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.
Aku sendiri akhir-akhir ini sering banget pake liquid eyeliner karena selama ini aku selalu pake pencil eyeliner dan bosen banget,jadilah aku coba2 pake liquid eyeliner dan menurutku liquid eyeliner itu garisnya tipis jadinya aku kudu pake berkali2 biar tebal hehehe.

Ok,postanku hari ini cukup sampe disini dulu. Semoga postanku ini berguna buat kalian dan bisa jadi panduan buat kalian buat milih eyeliner yang cocok buat kalian,see u and happy Valentine fellas :)

Lots of love

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Hi fellas,happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope in this Fire Monkey Year u all given by prosperity,health,wealth and happiness :)

Today i'm gonna review about another salon that i visited beside Irwan Team Hairdesign. So two days ago,i went to this salon to blow my hair for welcoming Chinese New Year hihihihi,new year new hair :D

The salon name is Akua Salon,it is located near ITC Fatmawati,so when u get out from ITC Fatmawati just keep straight and on ur left side u will find salon that written "AKUA SALON". Fyi, Akua Salon is the second line salon from Irwan Team,yes Akua Salon has a connection with Irwan Team coz the owner is Irwan Doke's wife,her name is Riska. 

The interior is simple and has a small space,it's really different from Irwan Team which is has a big space and luxury interior. 

I came in the morning and i didn't meet the owner,then i just met a few of stylist so my hair is being took care by kak Mutia. Another info that this salon has third floors,first and second floor for hair section and third floor for massage.

Tadaaa,this is my new hair after blow dry. In my opinion,Akua Salon has a good service and friendly staff too,and i knew all the stuff coz they know my mom and my mom is loyal customer here hihihihi.

If u wanna know more about Akua Salon the address is ITC Fatmawati,Fatmawati Street South Jakarta 12150.

Have a nice day and once again Gong Xi Fa Chai fellas :)

Lots of love

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Holla, fellas!! Tomorrow is Chinese New Year or Imlek yeayyy,from Wednesday until today we busy for clean up our house and packing many things, and this morning we set up our table and put many of tumblrs that already filled with candy, dried cookies, cashew nut and many more on the table.

So, today i'm gonna review about my collection of hand creams from The Saem. Two years ago before i came back to Indonesia for winter holiday, i bought so many hand cream that i don't know what i should i do with this hand cream hihihi, so i think i'd better review it :D

Product name: The Saem Hand Cream
Origin: South Korea
Type of product: Hand Cream

I bought five hand creams with different fragrances so i'm gonna review it one by one.

  • Dear My Hands Tea Tree & Olive
This hand cream contains a fragrance from tea tree and olive and it has a calm fragrance and creamy texture.

  • Master Chef Smooth Sorbet 
This hand cream has strawberry fragrance and sorbet texture and the fragrance is really sweet :D

  • Perfumed Hand Essence Lemon & Mint
Has a mix fragrance between lemon and mint and the lemon fragrance is so strong.

  • Master Chef Custard Cream
Has a fragrance from custard cream and i feel like eating custard cream when i feel the smell :D

  • Perfumed Hand Essence Frangipani
Has a fragrance from frangipani flower and i don't really like the fragrance from this hand cream coz it's too stingy i think.

Then i tried these of hand creams one by one and it turn out to be like this. 

From those hand creams, i like all except Frangipani hand cream coz as i said before the fragrance is too stingy for me.

If u wanna know more about these hand creams u can search in Google or visit the website at www.thesaemcomestic.com, but unfortuneatly the website is in Korean so it must be harder for u to find the product,so i suggest u to just search in Google.

That's it for today, happy Sunday and Gong Xi Fa Chai for u who celebrate fellas :)

Lots of love