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Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Selfie with my crazy friend, Jason

Hi everyone, this is my first post and it's about my journey at Grand Indonesia Shopping Town with this crazy friend hehehehe, and it will divided into two parts, and this is the first part, so check it out :)

So on October 28th, I had a meet up with my friends, but unfortuneatly we met just two of us coz our other friends are so busy with their college. Then we decided to go to Grand Indonesia on that day. Around 10.30 a.m, he picked me up with car in front of my house then we going!!!

Due to really bad bad traffic jam in Fatmawati, we just arrived at Grand Indonesia at almost 1 p.m which is lunch time then we directly found out some restaurant then we found it, it's Tokyo Belly. In Tokyo Belly we ordered this.

(above) Chicken Katsu Curry
(under) Green Spaghetti with Grilled Chicken
(center) Kinki Kelly

After lunch, i've decided to take some photoshoot around 3A floor just for fun. Then this is another photoshoot ^^

After this we just walking around Grand Indonesia and have many chit chat also we had a karaoke at T-Rex. At 4.30 pm we went to Sour Sally to buy these delicious yet healthy frozen yoghurt ;p. My friend bought regular Black Sakura and i bought Riche Black Sakura with Almond, Kiwi, Strawberry, Peach and Matcha Latte Sauce. 

I just tried this yoghurt for the first time and it so delicious, the taste is just like blackberry i think. Actually Black Sakura is yoghurt which is combination from Sakura blossom with natural activated charcoal which is very good for detox and high in antioxidants. So if you wanna have a food that can detox your body, this is a right choice for you :)

I really really enjoyed my adventure here, coz i rarely go outside due to my illustration assignment. FYI, now i'm a illustration student at Carrot Academy in Pulomas and i take Diploma Course at my school. 

Well that's it for today, and i will post the second part soon. Thank u for reading my first post then see u :)

Lots of love

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