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Monday, March 21, 2016


Hi beauties, did u know that times are flying so fast? yesterday we just enjoyed the weekend and today we face Monday again, the day that people hate the most but it could be a fun or so-so day for some people including me hehehe. Actually i don't have problem with Monday coz i think Monday is the same day as the other days :D

So today i'm gonna review about body lotion, u know that body lotion is also a part of skincare too. We don't just have to take care of our face skin, but body skin too, one of them is use body lotion everyday, especially after taking a shower. I'm always use body lotion everyday after taking a shower to make my skin smooth and soft :) Well the name of product that i'm gonna review today is The Face Shop Perfume Seed Velvet Body Milk.

Product name: The Face Shop Perfume Seed Velvet Body Milk
Origin: South Korea
Product type: Body lotion
Price: W 12.900

The Face Shop Perfume Seed Velvet Body Milk is body lotion which made from roseship oil and shea butter and it's good for all skin type and this body lotion will make ur skin moisturized and smooth as velvet :D

I think the texture is a little bit aqueous and the scent is just like rose.

Well, this body lotion has a good scent and also a good product too. Fyi, my mom also like this body lotion too and she asked me to buy two bottles of this body lotion last year when I'm still in Korea hehehe.

That's it for today and i hope u girls like this post and buy it if u like this product *promotionmodeon* :D

See u and happy Monday beauties :)

Lots of love

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Hi, beauties,how's ur Thursday? i hope that ur Thursday will be fun and my Thursday is so-so coz today i go to Carrot Academy as usual for drawing hehehe. So, today i'm gonna share to u about the difference between BB, CC and DD cream.

Some of u maybe still confused coz these products are very similar, but if u research deeply u will find something different in these products. Let's check it out, beauties :D

  • BB Cream: BB cream is an acronym from Blemish Balm or Beauty Balm. It has many benefits coz it can be used as moisturizer or foundation and it also has a light formula so u can use it for ur daily makeup. BB Cream can make ur skin smoother, moisturize and protect ur skin from sunlight, also make ur skin color beautiful.

  • CC Cream: An acronym from Complexion Corrector and it used to correct a skin problem such as red face, dark spot, dull and sensitive skin. If u have those skin problem, u'd better use CC cream. It also has a lighter formula than BB cream. 

  • DD Cream: An acronym from Dynamic Do-Al. This cream is different from the other cream  coz it could be used as skin care and it focus on anti aging. 

Well that's it for today, hope this post can be a guide for u to find the right product for ur skin, see u and happy Thursday beauties :)

Lots of love

Friday, March 11, 2016


Hi fellass, as usual i'm a little bit lazy for blogging coz i don't know what should i post but i'll have to keep sharing a good content for u so u will get more information about beauty stuff :D

So today i'm gonna review about two eyeshadows with the same brand, these are Mamonde Vivid Touch Eyes. Fyi, Mamonde is a cosmetic brand from South Korea which launched by Amore Pacific in 1991, so it's already 25 years right?

Product name: Mamonde Vivid Touch Eyes
Origin: South Korea
Type of product: Eyeshadow

I bought two eyeshadows with different colors, these are Sparkling 01 Sunshine and Mate 04 Bouquet Classic.

Sparkling 01 Sunshine

Mate 04 Bouquet Classic

Then i decided to put these eyeshadows in my eyes and it turn out to be like this.

Unfortuneatly due to my handphone camera or the color from the eyeshadow, it doesn't come out too much huhuhuhu. 

Ok then, that's it for today. I'm so happy coz i can review the other product beside lipstick so this post refresh my mind hehehehe, and i hope on the next post i can review more variative product so u won't be bored with my post :D

See u and happy weekend fellas :D

Lots of love

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Hi fellas, i'm back!! Finally I can make time to blogging today coz recently i'm so lazy to post a new article then a lot of assignment from my illustration school and fyi this Sunday I will have an entrance test to Atma Jaya University so wish me luck fellas :)

So, i'm gonna review about lipstick from The Face Shop, the name of this lipstick is Black Label Lipstick. Actually, I bought four lipsticks but all of them have a same code so I just reviewed one.

Product name: The Face Shop Black Label Lipstick
Origin: South Korea
Type of product: Lipstick

The Face Shop Black Label Lipstick has ten variant color and I just bought one color which is #11 Lovely Pink. I love the packaging coz the design is simple yet luxury.

For me this lipstick has a natural color which is very appropriate for daily look coz the color follow ur lip color.

Yup that's it for today, hope this post will be useful for u who's looking for the lipstick that has a natural color hihihihihi.

See u and have a nice day fellas :)

Lots of love

Friday, February 26, 2016


Holla semuanya,maaf banget hari ini baru bs blogging krn ngumpulin bahan bwt dipost plus project ilustrasi di tempat lesku,tp 2 bulan kedepan project ilustrasinya gak akan sebanyak sekarang krn bulan April nanti aku udah masuk term 3 yg ibaratnya klo kuliah udah masuk semester akhir hehehehe.

Btw,hari ini aku mau sharing tentang event yang baru aja aku ikutin td siang,yaitu Shopee Beauty Soiree X Sasyachi. Jd,Shopee ini ngadain acara berupa Korean Make-Up Class bersama beauty blogger terkenal di Indonesia,yaitu kak Sasyachi. Kak Sasyachi sendiri terkenal banget dengan make upnya yang Korea banget dan sempet nyabet penghargaan Top Beauty Influencer Award di Influence Asia 2015. Acaranya mulai dr jam 1 sampe jam 4 di Lewis and Carroll Tea.

Acaranya sendiri berupa live demo make up dari kak Sasyachi sesuai dengan temanya yaitu Korean Make Up.

Setelah kak Sasyachi slese make up break sebentar,lalu dilanjutin dengan Make Up Competition dimana ada 6 org dan 3 org jd make up artist dan 3 orgnya lg jd objek make up hehehehe.

Make up competition slese dilanjutin dengan photo session bareng kak Sasyachi :D

Foto bareng slese dan sebelum pulang aku sempet selfie bareng kak Sasyachi dan foto rame2 lagi :D

Fun fact: sebelum selfie aku smpt ditanya begini sama kak Sasyachi "umur kamu berapa?" klo kalian denger umurku berapa pst gak akan percaya deh hihihihi.

Gimana seru kan? Yah walaupun cuman bs nontonin make up tp seenggaknya aku dapet ilmu baru dari sini,btw thanks for Shopee yang udah ngadain event ini dan kak Sasyachi yang udah nyempetin diri bwt dateng di sela2 kesibukan kakak :D

See u di post berikutnya yaa,happy weekend all :)

Lots of love